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It’s about time for youngsters to go out, according to a DOH-W. Visayas executive.

CITY OF ILOILO – According to the Department of Health Western Visayas Center for Health Development (DOH WV CHD), the moment has come to open communities to children who have been severely impacted by the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) epidemic over the last two years.

“Today, we are at the forefront of vaccinating the majority of the remaining half of our children against Covid-19, which are young children aged 5 to 11. In his message during the ceremonial rollout of the vaccination campaign at the Iloilo St. Paul’s Hospital on Monday, DOH WV CHD director Dr. Adriano Suba-an, who was represented by Public Health Development Cluster head Dr. Renilyn Reyes, said, “It’s about time to open our communities to the children who have been hooked on experiencing every day virtually.”

Children’s health and well-being, according to Suba-an, are crucial because they, too, are affected by the pandemic’s impacts.

He claimed that last year’s expansion of the vaccination program to youths aged 12 to 17 was a success, with 70 percent of the target demographic having been properly immunized.

“As we commemorate Valentine’s Day today, we will be lavishing one of the greatest gifts we can bestow on our children: love and protection.” One of the many ways we express love to our children, especially as parents and guardians, is to shield them from danger, especially during pandemics,” he continued.

In his remarks at the program, Iloilo Mayor Jerry Treas remarked that the vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 is the inoculation that they have been waiting for.

He claims that the group is one of the most unvaccinated and that once they are, they would be able to return to school and be with their friends.

“If our children don’t have protection, they won’t be able to return to school,” he added.

For the Monday launch, the hospital has pre-registered 50 children.

Ruby Navarro, an infection control nurse in charge of the hospital’s vaccination rollout, explained that the launch was only “experimental,” and that if it went well, the immunization sites would be open to children for the rest of the week.

The youngest Covid-19 vaccine recipient was 5 years old, while the oldest was 11 years old.

The children of hospital staff accounted for 30 of the 50 preregistered, while the Iloilo City Health Office supported the other 20.

“We’ve set aside the entire day for observation, and we’ll report back to the local government and the Department of Health.” If everything goes well, we’ll have a week to get the kids vaccinated,” she added in an interview.

She went on to say that they’ve asked for the pediatric department at the hospital to be fully staffed for the assessment, as well as residents and consultants to assist with post-vaccine monitoring.

According to the DOH’s aim, Iloilo City intends to vaccinate 61,872 children aged 5 to 11.

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